Thursday, December 27, 2012

December Meeting

Our group did our annual trading card exchange again this year for Christmas. Here are beautiful results from the members who participated in this fun event:


Sharon R.

Pat Shaw

Joan K.



Carol P.







Carol S.


After the exchange I did a demonstration on how to use coffee filters and fibers for texture in a flower painting. It was a refresher course for some while it was the first attempt for our new members.

Hopefully next month members will bring some finished paintings that I can post.

Monday, December 10, 2012

November Meeting

Reminder that our December meeting has been changed to the 13th.

Also, remember your trading cards. If you were able to make enough for everyone that is great. Otherwise just bring what you completed and as usual you just exchange the same amount that you brought.

Mavis had a great creative exercise for us ....

"3 to See" Painting Activity was the planned activity.
1. Each member needed to develop a painting/composition using at least 1/4 sheet of paper.
2. Any season, mood, colors, style, warm or cool feeling etc. could be included.
3. Each person had to draw a card that had three words/items listed.
4. All three items had to appear in some size or shape in their composition.
5. Could also add anything else needed to complete the painting.
Despite a 'bit" of concern at the beginning, it soon become very quiet as the minds went to work and ideas began to flow. It was amazing to see the results from so many creative minds. It was also interesting to hear the interpretations of how the words were used. Many agreed that it was a fun activity after all.

Here are Joan and Carol explaining their interpretations.....

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

September Meeting

There was a nice turn out for our meeting . The group worked on creating texture on a sheet of watercolor paper. After letting it dry they tried finding  areas that could be turned into small compositions to be used for our trading cards that we do at our December meeting.
Joan was able to find several.

Sue reported on the workshop Helen Klebesadel will be giving on May 3 and 4, 2013.

The Joe Fettings workshop in 2013  will be August 14-16.

The Fall Art  Tour is October 19-21 and Sue is on the tour.

Next meeting is October 18th meeting.  Sue will not be able to make it due to Art Tour conflict.  Lynda will do a demonstration on Yupo.  She will also bring in Yupo paper for those to purchase that needs it.

Friday, September 14, 2012

August Meeting

At our meeting in August Mavis introduced unyru paper to those who were not familiar with it and Sue demonstrated adding fibers to a floral painting to add texture.
Members worked on fiber work or their own projects.  It is always great to see what others are doing and learn from them, as the artwork and techniques are so diverse.

At our next meeting (Sept. 20) those who would like to bring ideas for texturing on watercolor paper are welcomed to do so. Sue will do a demo using different texturing materials. When the paintings are dry we will find areas that can be cropped or simply divide your sheet into 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 cards for you to create paintings to be used for our trading cards that we exchange in December. These will not be cards you labor over just  simple little paintings that you create with the help of texture already created in the preliminary  wash. This is an great way to share "original" art with each other.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

April / May Meetings

At last months meeting Mavis showed us a lesson on painting a seascape. A color wash for the water covered the paper. While still wet, a rolled paper towel was used to remove paint to form larger waves near the shore area and smaller waves further out. When dry, the water swells defining the waves were painted in a darker color. The area previously saved for the horizon allowed room for sky and shore line in the distance. Additions like sailboats and shore rocks added a bit of character

Donna also noted 2 State Awards she received for drawings entered into WRAP (Wisconsin Regional Art Program).

Lynda Barganz presented Marilyn Simandle as “Artist of the Month

During our May meeting we worked on paintings using techniques from past lessons. It was a great time as usual. We learn so much from each other.

June 2 - Gallery Night in Mineral Point. Joan Konyn is now exhibiting her waterecolor paintings at the High Street Gallery, in Mineral Point.

June 8, 9, 10- Luci Shreik will have her home and studio open in Black Earth for the Spring Art Tour.

June 20, 21, 22- Fettingis Workshop, so there will not be a regular monthly meeting in June.

July Meeting will be at Durwood’s Glen with a meeting and coffee starting at 9:00, followed by a tour of the area. There is no entry fee: however, there is a donation box. Bring your lunch, camera, and painting supplies for Plein Aire painting or sketching buildings, nature, etc.

Here are some photo's I took last year to show those who have never visited Durwood's Glen before an idea of what to expect.

The plans for the group’s participation at the International Crane Foundation have been finalized. Interested members will be at the “World Day of Cranes” on August 11, from 9-5.
Activities will include:

1. Set up and display paintings, cards, magnets for sale. Remember the subject matter should be of cranes and local habitat.

2. Painting on location is also encouraged.

3. Face painting supplies will be available for those who wish to participate.

4. Supplies will also be available to work with children as they love to make their own Artwork.

Friday, April 6, 2012

March Meeting

Members showed interest in the upcoming shows this summer:

(1) Civil War Reenactment on Father's Day
(2) Art displaying on the square in Baraboo on Sundays, organized through the Raven House
(3) ICF's "Internatonal Cranes of the World Festival" on August 11th

Reminder that the workshop by Joseph Fettingis will be June 20th, 21st and 22nd.

Sue Johnson will be participating in the Fall Art Tour at her studio in Spring Green.

Char Olson reminded us of the “Secret Life, Secret Death performance at the Al Ringling Theater, April 20 and 22.  This will also be presented the next weekend in Spring Green.

Char will be organizing the July 19th meeting at Durwood Glen.  There are many opportunities to paint on site.  Bring your camera and brown bag lunch.  Donations are appreciated to help support and keep the facilities open for the public.

Mavis presented her lesson of "Painting Rocks Under Water". 

Here is one of her completed paintings:

It's always fun to learn new approaches to painting a subject. We all had a good time with this lesson.

Joan Konyn brought in her finished painting using fibers from last months lesson using arches #140 coldpress:

Lynda Barganz did the same fiber lesson only using yupo for her surface:

The paper you use can sure make a difference in the outcome of the painting.

Here is another one of Joan's done from Lynda's lesson on yupo from last month, only using tissue instead of fibers.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

February Meeting

I shared information about artist Maggie Latham. On her blog she is posting two or three free tutorials a month over a four month period on exploring color. She started this Feb. 8th, I would begin there if you are just joining and interested in following along.

I demonstrated a fiber texture technique for creating trees in watercolor.

Here is a crop of a painting that I was working on using Arches #140 cold press paper. You can see the texture I was able to create using fibers.

Lynda Barganz showed how some of the same fiber texture techniques could be applied to Yupo paper. She also  demonstrated other techniques so the the members could experiment with the Yupo paper.

Next meeting will be March 15th.  Mavis will be demonstrating "Rocks  Under Water".

Sunday, February 12, 2012

January Meeting

At our January meeting Sharon Rork showed the group how to create refrigerator magnets using small paintings or prints reduced in size of previous paintings. Here are Pat, Bonnie and Joan applying several coats of sealer to their prints.

Great project for creating gifts or to decorate your own refrigerator.

Lynda Barganz introduced the Artist of the Month. Lynda shared memories and a great variety of artwork of her mother, Erma Teelin.